The Essential Excuse Handbook

77 Ways to Get Out of Doing Anything At All


This book gives you some insights into how things aren't working when you make excuses.

I list the major excuses that are used and what they are really saying.

Do you know what excuses are really doing to your life, and to those of people you love?

Along the way, I get tough, make a joke out of it, and challenge you to do something about it all.


Get it on Kindle or in paperback at the link below.

For bulk orders, contact me for pricing and drop shipments.


Bundle of Three

eBooks for Download:

the fastest way to get the series.

Attain your dreams

by making use of

whatever you are experiencing

right this minute.

$17 for All Three Titles


Seven Keys to Create a Personal Victory

Recognize the core principles of taking action using your personal strengths.


Creative Victory: Action Steps for Daily Life

Building on the principles outlined in Prevail,

this daily collor-illustrated action guide gives you a step by step method to make every day an opportunity that you use to its best advantage.


The Essential Excuse Handbook:

77 Ways to Keep From Doing Anything at All

This guide shows you the way out of the Excuse Pattern by showing you what excuses are really saying, giving you ways to take back the energy by changing the story that excuses don't want you to know.


Seven Keys to Create a Personal Victory

Is what you want in your life right on the other side of an "invisible wall"?


Do you want a deeper sense of purpose?


Do you want a more authentic sense of enjoyment in your life?


You can take control of your life energy and use anything that has happened, or is happening now, to create more of the future that YOU want.


Get more energy to do the things that are important to you and get your life going, winning at doing the things you love.  Get out of the rut, and up onto the big road!


"Prevail" starts with my story, and moves into YOURS.


I share my story of rising from extreme adversity to a life that is now truly filled with happiness and rewarding experiences.  I offer tools to help you use the power of your own being, to guide and inspire yourself to a new sense of being able to make the most of this precious life.


Dare to Cheer up.  Grab this book.   Take a leap, and get on board!


is available on Amazon


Action Steps for Daily Awareness using the Seven Keys set out in the original volume on this topic, Prevail: Seven Keys to Create a Personal Victory.


Each page has a different angle for you to use when reflecting on who you are and who you can become.



Taking action on a daily basis sets up your energy to be more aware of yourself and of the world around you, so that you can make the most of whatever comes along each day.

Coming Soon:


Green Fire

Creativity Under Pressure


River of Destiny

The Franks: Crossing the Rhine by Torchlight, 388 AD

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© Betty Withrow